
Duas hands by siraatalmustaqim.com

Duas are actually prayers or supplications that are asked of Allah SWT. Dua in Islam means express your heart’s feelings, desires, asking for help and forgiveness from Allah. Dua also means accepting Allah SWT as The Ultimate Power and your Lord and expressing your humility before Him.

There is a different prayer for each occasion. Some supplications are taught to us in the Holy Quran, and some supplications we get from studying the Hadith. By studying both The Quran and The Hadith, we also get an idea of ​​how to do dua properly. In addition to the duas of the Quran and Hadith, you can pray to Allah SWT whatever your heart desires because He is your Lord. And a man can ask to his Lord for whatever his heart desires.

Islamic Duas

Dua Time

Every time, even when we stand up, sit down, sleep, or wake up, we should keep praying to Allah SWT so that His help is included in everything we do.

Why Do We Pray

Muslim remembers only Allah for every supplication and help. They know that only Allah SWT can help them and get them out from this situation. The reason for this is because a Muslim always trusts in Allah SWT.