Eid Namaz ka Tarika

Eid Ki Namaz Ki Niyat

I intend to offer two rak’ahs of Eid-ul-Fitr with an additional six takbirs only for Allah Almighty behind this Imam.

Eid Namaz ka Tarika | Eid Ki Namaz Ka Tarika

  • First raise your hands up to your ears and say Allah hu Akbar and then tie your hand below the navel as usual and recite Sana
  • After Sanaa, raise your hands to your ears and say Allah hu Akbar, and then release your hands.
  • Second time again, raise your hands up to your ears, then say Allah hu Akbar, and then release your hands.
  • For the third time, raise your hands up to your ears, then say Allah hu Akbar, and then tie your hands below your navel.
  • Then listen to the imam’s Qir’at, go to Ruku and prostate twice as usual.
  • In the second rakat, the imam will Qira’at first.
  • After Qir’at, raise your hands to your ears and say Allah hu Akbar, and then release your hands.
  • Second time again, raise your hands to your ears and say Allah hu Akbar, and then release your hands.
  • Third time again, raise your hands up to your ears, say Allah hu Akbar, and then release your hands.
  • For the fourth time, say Allah hu Akbar and go to Ruku, then prostate twice and offer the remaining prayer as usual.

Important Instruction about Eid Prayer

  • The method of prayer for both Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha is the same.
  • The Eid prayer offers before the sermon.
  • It is necessary to perform the Eid prayer in congregation.
  • A single person cannot perform the Eid prayer without a congregation.
  • Adhan and Iqamah do not say before the Eid prayer.
  • The Eid prayer consists of two obligatory rak’ahs.
  • Six additional takbeers say in the Eid prayer.
  • Three Takbirs recite in the first Rakat after Sanaa and before beginning the Qira’at, and three Takbirs say in the second Rakat after the Qira’at ends and before going into the Ruku’.
What time is Eid prayer?

Eid namaz, or Eid prayer, is offered in the early morning after Fajr namaz on the first day of Eid. Muslims are encouraged to pray in Jama’ah (congregation) with their fellow Muslim brothers, usually in a mosque or in an open field.

How do you prepare for Eid prayer?

Before going to offer Eid prayer, please do the following work:
• In early morning, make ghusl and the ablution.
• It is sunnah to eat something. The Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) ate dates before going out to Eid prayer.
• Wear your best dress and apply perfume.
• Recite takbir continuously during the way before and after the Eid prayers.
• Take different routes to go and return from Eid prayers.

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